Telemarketers and False Advertising: What to do about it if you have entered into a Contract?
Telemarketers got the best of you? We have all received those uninvited telephone calls from someone desperately trying to sell us goods and/or services – often during dinner with the family or at the most inconvenient time possible. At Nautilus Law Group, we have...

Related Party LRBAs and PCG 2016/5: A review and recommendations for Trustees for Smooth Sailing
The release of PCG 2016/5 comes as no surprise, which follows on the back of the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) publications ATO ID 2015/27 and ATO ID 2015/28, which set the tone for related party Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangements (LRBAs). The ATO’s 2015...
Related Party LRBAs and PCG 2016/5: A review and recommendations for Trustees for Smooth Sailing
The release of PCG 2016/5 comes as no surprise, which follows on the back of the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) publications ATO ID 2015/27 and ATO ID 2015/28, which set the tone for related party Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangements (LRBAs). The ATO’s 2015...
Are you buying a Body Corporate Lemon?
Due diligence searches are an important factor when purchasing a commercial or residential property, and ensuring you are considering all important information is key to determining that the investment is sound and whether to proceed with the transaction. As body...
Straight Talk about Debt Recovery
So you have an outstanding debt and you would like to collect it? Your letters to the debtor have not brought about payment. You are at a loss as to what to do next – should you refer your debt to a collection agency? Should you seek assistance from a lawyer? This...
Unfair Contract Terms
On 30 July 2013, the ACCC issued a media release advising that it has been granted a declaration by the Federal Court that the standard terms and conditions used by Bytecard Pty Limited, an Internet Service Provider, contains terms which fall within the unfair...