Privacy Obligations for the Community Organisation

It is commonly misunderstood that community organisations and/or non-profits are not encumbered by duties burdening the commercial sector.  To an extent, that is true.  However, when the question relates to the collection and use of personal information - even the...

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Tax Awareness for Family Law Settlements Critical

It comes as no surprise that the Tax Office has delivered its TR 2014/5 finding that distributions of property or money from a company as a consequence of Family Court Orders constitute assessable income.  TR 2014/5 does, however, remind practitioners and parties that...

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Straight Talk about Debt Recovery

So you have an outstanding debt and you would like to collect it? Your letters to the debtor have not brought about payment.  You are at a loss as to what to do next – should you refer your debt to a collection agency? Should you seek assistance from a lawyer? This...

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